Table 1) twelve (The Twelve Table) (451 B.C.). The Roman Empire era due to the Republic. During the first decade, there is no written law, which allows people to live, this causes an aristocrat in the monopoly position of government officials who are involved with the law, conviction and a bishopric, and the interpretation of the law as the sole duty of the Lord.And there will be no discrimination between civil and criminal law, constitutional law-making in c. 451 B.C. the "Committee of Rome 10 people" (The decemvirs) has collected various laws, in a format that is easy to understand, to reduce any of their dispute.The common people, often as a drawback in the use of the law by not having a code by means of the present, but it is to remove the legal principles that come packed in such a way that the law by writing a simple, until it is taken to be the basic principle of the rules.The many centuries later, the Roman in which Livy and Cicero, the famous lawyer who said twelve tables is believed to be the origin of both public law and private law, it is write a law-based hyaluronic RI., but the topics are characteristic of Roman law, combining both general principles and detailed information of private and public law, which are detailed in each table: -Table 1: about the call to go to court (Vocatio in jus). -2: the process of the trial, including calling the witness. -3: accounts receivable and payable (allowing creditors, debtors can be detained or killed.) -Table 4: rights of the head of the family (the sale of the family three times consecutively are considered to be the liberation of people from the power of the head of the family). -5: the trace thotmondok and (as the intent of the Chief families about property and people care about the property passed to an heir. That one died without heirs the estate inheritance, all the passed unto heiress who is a member of the clan (the Gentiles), his father's political successor, or a pedigree (Agnati.)) -6: ownership and possession (as the provisions regarding the transfer of property to buy/sell (mancipatio); a period of possession is derived by the clash (usucapio)) -7: real estate (Real Property) -8: the breach (Delicta) (allowed to be made in the case of revenge has come to harm himself, with the exception of the proposed pay corrupt, how to care for other damages cases is different from the wrong base thief) -9: public law -10: the law of Islam (most of the time is about funeral service). -11-12: additions, such as prohibiting marriage between an aristocrat of classes or to prosecute Mr. slave to slave in the event of violation of the Act (actio Noxalis) Without this table, there are twelve major strengths are important, even with the little details, such as the practice of allowing poor people to do it easily and free trade, which in addition to strength. Twelve tables were considered weaknesses by a major weakness is that it is used to write how to write relatively short huan, or too many, can't understand the current realities. 2) Edictum Perpetum of Salvius Julianus (130 A.D.) As revised and compiled The policy announcement (Edicts) of the Praetor and Curule Aediles Salvius Julianus made by, which has been assigned by the emperor Hadrian. 3) Codex Gregorianus (300 A.D.) During the end of the 19th century, Emperor Diocletian had ordered 3 Gregorianus made collecting law of the Empire after the emperor Hadrian's contains 16 books books, divided into several different topics, topics which are of the Emperor Septimus Serverus Rescripta and successors. 4) Codex Hermogenianus (365 A.D.) As part of the Codex Gregorianus consists of laws issued by Emperor Diocletian and Maximian. 5) Codex Theodossianus (435 A.D.) It is the law that the Emperor Theodosius set the establishment of a Committee of 16 people to provide stream joins the laws issued by the Emperor since the reign of the Emperor, which was enacted in the year Constatine 438 City A.D. at Constantinople and in the Kingdom of noble Roman Emperor Valentinian III by West Coast with a total of 16 books, each a bullet about the arrangement and sequence of events of a law issued by the Emperor in the first five books of the law by a private. The rest is public law, criminal law, military law, municipal board and Christianity. 6) Edictum Theodorici (500 A.D.) Is the code that I know, after the Roman Duchy was occupied by w. mentored barbaric people. (The Barbarians), including their Frank and Goth, which contains 3 original code: -Barborum: the Leges in their forest lands occupy thuea Metropolitan baking is that collected by Theodoric King of Goth (Ostrogoth) contains all the categories associated with either the law 154 public and private law, taken from the work of a lawyer (particularly the work of Paulus). - Codex Gregorianus: -The Codex Hermogenianus and Theodossianus Breviarium Alaricianum 7) (The Breviary of Alaric) or Lex Romana Visigothorum (506 A.D.). Alaric II the Visigoth King of Spain in their set the Board to perform the intended purpose applied to Roman citizens in the governance of their own (often called "Roman Visigoth") by this law to the legal selection comes from the Theodossian Code, the legal description of the gathering (The Institutiones) of Gaius and the writings of Paul and Papinian. 8) Lex Romana Burgundionum (Law of the Burgundians) (517 A.D.) A law enacted by the King's son was Sigismund as Gundobald or code that consists of 47 topics on the basis of The Breviary of Alaric.
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