Contract of sale
do... To... To... The... The...
... To... The... The...... the...
day...... months... To... To... To... The...
this contract ทำขึ้ between... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... Is บ้านเลขที่...... The... The... District / district. To...,..., district / county...,...... in... The... The... Age...... years, which further in the contract is called "the seller deposit." the one side with...,... To... To... So... That... That...,... Is บ้านเลขที่...... The... The... District / district. To... To... The... The district / County......... The... The... Province...... a...... the age...... years, which further in the contract is called "the buyer said." one
mutual ตกลงทำสัญญา. Text is as follows:
. 1. The seller and buyers agree agreed sale of deposit deposit deposit to buy land เลขที่...... To... To... The...Land number...... survey page...... of... Of...,...)... The... Province......... The buildings on soils. Which is the ownership of the seller deposit money is... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... The... The...) and the seller deposit received money from the buyer as a finished
. 2. The buyer agreed to leave ผู้ขายฝาก redeem the property sale back within set time. The...Years from the date of the contract of sale of this registered to the officials. The สินไถ่ is the amount............). (... To... To... The... The...))
. 3.Cost of sale which buyers leave out when the contract of sale. The redeemer to use to the buyer with the สินไถ่ deposit. The cost redemption property Redeemer is
4 issuer.In the sale of the parties have agreed not to this property buyers for the sale of issue If the buyer for violation of the contract. The buyer be liable to the seller for damages incurred by the breach that deposited in
No. 5.In case the seller please use rights purchased assets within the time limit. The buyer must return the deposit assets, according to the status quo in TaiThe buyer must make compensation to the seller deposit deposit
this contract made in two versions had the correct text match exactly. Both parties
have read and understood the text in the contract throughout. It has signed a important
before witnesses. And they hold each version
sign...To... To... The... The... The... The seller deposit
. (... To... To... To... To... To...)
signed............ to... To... Buyers leave
(... To... To... To... To... To...)
signed... To...... to... The... The...? The witness
(... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...,...... the... The witness
(... To... To... To... To... To...))
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