A history of the legendary forest of words washing away no mo. A cha-no mo. The jungle mystery when many people say they are reminded of the meaning of the mysterious about the serpent Island, a belief that does not ever sink a casino because of the intercession with the serpent forward maintenance and a story that makes us recognize the words washed up there in years, dama 2532 (1989) UNO is legendary ghost employment leather until someone generate a movie and includes women who came to borrow tools, weaving.History of Cha-No "which related to the serpent. : Apparitions leather shine which is employed which converts human body, is to hire a movie projector, a outdoor washing away Casino and another villager was held there yearly abundance of Naga, marasop, it will be up to travel by ordinary people. A woman will dress up a white t-shirt to wear clothing colors like black. Men like the red head with the towel phok A similar Island-style casino with Impressionist washed up alone in the middle of the rice. There is water around. More than 20 acres approx. There is a type of tree called "the beginning of the intercession UNO" when you visit a casino, the air will cool jade washed as. Here, enough to flood water around the island rainy season every year, but the water does not flood, washing away no mo. This island seems to float on the water, if water is more based on river water is as amazing a very UM, overflow comes from "the river war", where the river flows into the Battle River at a cha-no onsite. The teachers, not the answer that the mercy, intercession no jade is the junction with the present world man's ground water, because it is exactly the niche to the Mekong River that he dug, or made to connect the human as he's rumored.
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