The HM the King's birthday in Thailand Thai Father's day is a national event held for the first time in the year 2523 (1980) by H.R.H. Nueathip Samensut. President of the Association of volunteer leaders and education initiative sponsor HM because "father" is the person who should receive political recognition and which his Majesty King phumiplodunyadet is the father of his son and his daughter, and he and his son care thanu Royal daughters with love and make a complete age growth anusat training and practice at Nui nation and people benefit to grow before heading. In addition, his Majesty has also phumiplodunyadet divine grace God suffering happiness, one civilian was regarded as "the national father" of the Thai people, subjects of everyone of the citizens for political allegiance. In addition, in the divine grace and adhere to grow before heading. The purpose of the event HM the King's birthday The purpose of the event HM: 1. in order to worship his dignity of his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. 2. in order to worship his father's grace and praised the role of parents in the family and society. 3. to make the ball have shown gratefulness towards the father. 4. so that is the father. In addition, the duties and responsibilities of their 5. in order to award to a father and daughter who perform their duties very well deserving recognition of society. 6. to maintain tradition and nice Thai national to remain here.
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