Appropriately. SHA-1 SHA-1 algorithm is an algorithm that amendments from SHA amendments is believed to make the algorithm more secure SHA-1 SHA-1 create a 160 bit chet.Algorithm: SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512Algorithms SHA-384 and SHA-512 SHA-256, NIST is presented all three algorithms in 2001 to work in conjunction with the AES algorithm (which is an algorithm for symmetric encryption). These algorithms create a 256, 384 chet and 512 bits respectively.Encryption of the Caesar (Caesar Cipher):Caesar encryption (Caesar Cipher) encryption methods, this name by the name of Juliet Caesar the famous Warriors of the Roman Empire in the past. Caesar is leading the way in this encoding as the first man. His battle to prevent the opponent knows the necessary information in their wars. This method is a method of encoding the data (Encryption) that is in a text format (Text) and a encrypting a Monoalphabetic Substitutions, which is the encoding for the generated output (Ciphertext) and 1 from the original data (Paintext), a character as well as performance indicators through the Algorithm that generated.But there is that trying to guess. How to encode this template defines (Algorithm) below, with the individual letters are a set of predefined standards, for example, there are A number of letters assigned supervision is one completed when there is a set of messages that you want to encrypt it compares individual letters. Against the table below and then scroll to the right, the other three will result in a text that is passed to this Algorithm to encrypt and then write a formula as follows: C = E (P I), I = I + 3 P.Caesar cipher :Caesar cipher, so characters will be replaced with the letters next to normal by 3 letters we are called Plain literals, that section will be replaced, it is called A B C D Plain Cipher: E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C Cipher:Caesar cipher :Caesar Caesar's cipher, encryption uses the normal letters (Plain) in comparison with THE Plaintext Cipher, such as: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER LAZY DOG Ciphertext: WKH TXLFN WKH ODCB GRJ EURZQ IRA MXPSV RYHU A B C D E Plain: F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C Cipher:
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