Dear P'May Please translate the text below is English. Because the problem is found, the claims-vehicle radio F15 (E-lead P/N: 817NIS) because the test results according to the problem via product Dealer notified and specified in the Tag, the problem cannot be found, according to the report, there are many, from which the summary since Jan ' 2016 – Jun ' 2016. The total number of 228 embraced from the inspection found no problems, according to the Dealer the amount of the whole machine, which is 93 percent, the number of machines that do not experience problems. 40.79% (can be viewed in excel file).Hi, so I request more information about a problem that the way I went to the Dealer is listed (for example, a picture of the problem, the video clip problem occurs), so that such information will be analysed in the next issue. All this I have collected images and video clips, effects monitoring found the issue and found no problem with the guys. From a lot of the month Jul ' 2016 Get a 20 monitor, then the problem is not found 11 machines.
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