My name is BAM. Now I am 17 years of age, was born in 1997. I'm a baby I know you guys came to 1 year. I love you guys since the music One Shot I watch MV of all of you often. In front of the Yong kuk make me love you guys it looks right on payment.
Bam, now I'm 17 years old, born in 1997, I was a baby, I know you guys, 1 year ago. I liked your music since I watched One Shot MV of you very often. Page of Yong Guk makes me laugh, it looks like you guys are right.
I'm BAM. Now I was 17 birth year years 1997 me baby I know you 1 years. I love you from the music One Shot I sit and watch MV of you a lot. The face of the young... I like you it's funny, right?