เป็นสถานที่ที่มีนักเรียนมาใช้บริการเป็นจำนวนมาก มีบิการยืมหรือคืนหนังสือและบริการอินเตอร์เน็ต A place where students have to use a lot. It has to borrow or return books and Internet บริการ
There is a place where a large number of staff and students. A business loan or return books and Internet service to have A place where students use a lot It has to borrow or. return books and Internet. Services
A place where students have to use a lot. It has to borrow or return books and internet service. A Place Where Students Have to Use a Lot. It has to borrow or Return Books and Internet services.
Is the place where the students a lot. A bi borrowing or returning books and Internet service A place where students have to use a lot. It has to borrow or return books. And Internet service.