Research hotelี้Is characterised by social page?ื่Find out genes test suite otruatThe variant code is naen sotnit cellular Lake saiko s/s Mai from bacteria in.Stomach bacteria from the stomach by rumen rumen of cattle came to separate the activities of wotruat Lae recycle s/s stainless steel cellular.Carboxymethyl cellulose agar used by (CMC agar) and filter paper is great for both the bacteria nasap station is supported by .Gloucester , s/s, and Colonie deี่ยว suiteี่It detects the activity of cyber will be screening technologists sensitivity to isolate genes by shutting down cellular Les .PCR-based cloning technique which tricks. ‑ ngaphrai suites restaurantUsed in the PMี้Designed from the sequence อนุรักษ The owner retains the more amino of Sai Lake sotnit. cellular s/s างๆ Lae who have little to offer. Output at the DNA akap leads to connect to.pGEM®T-Easy Pedro & directory component vector business naenot Phala samit Gonzalez.ึ่Ngacha led to examine the nucleotide sequence in a sequence tie jade apai . ResultsSuiteDai Hao found mud at 10.4 and 11.3 with chi.Not loop of DNA size 800 bass hotelNgape not of cellular genes, Les Peoples mo.ิ้เอี นเ Two athongั้There is a yoklueng with its gene of Ruminococcus flavefaciens endB to 81 by the percentage of the signature result.It can indicate the possibility directory in the napai to Dai Lake sotnit new cellular genes from bacteria in the rumen stomach.
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