Egypt is a country that has been ruled by democracy, with a note of spice prathanathipdi. In recent years, 2518 (1975) Egypt began to strengthen relations with the superpowers such as the United State of America, United Kingdom, France and Italy in January of 2011, The revolutionary time were the largest political rally by more than 2 million people who travel because of the need to change the political, legal, demographic, free speech of the corruption, the rate of increase in unemployment and higher food value in the low-wage State. By the restaurant, particularly from the city, once a popular example, Hosni Mubarak prathanathipdi powers.Currently, Mr. Abdel Fattah El Sisi is the country and the first that did not come from the military. Although there are still a number of opposition leaders are, but most of it has to accept the Sisi. After that ruling, Sisi had better change the level editor. The city is strong and very stable. The tax-adjusted, which is always the result of Financial, remain healty, increasing of production and export. The increase in investment when compared to each other 4 years ago, but the problem with credit debt ก้ยังเป็น problems in developing countries better than ever. ก้ตาม, to the Government and the new democracy will help the fuen Fu, and help promote the country's political affairs, always. But it is not likely that they will do most of the political problem will calm down.
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