Marc khoeboek Park, was born in white County, the New York State United States lon page, later growing to city by ferry, New York State, dop, father is a dentist and his mother was a psychiatrist and khoeboek Park, Edward is Karen. He had four brothers who. เคอร์เบิร์ cleaning kathuk childhood upbringing, Jews Although he explained that he is atheism [8]
That school r dot map haisakhun He had a classic education competency before he can move on to high school-level classes at school, there's กเตอร์อ se EK de Philips. Here khoeboek has awarded scientific (mathematics. And classical art education), and physics. He also studied foreign languages, he can read the language in France, Hebrew, Latin and ancient Greek languages. He is also a fencing team captain [9] [10] [11]
In gatherings during the year 2 เคอร์เบิร์ cleaning kaphop the privilege Hotel Villa terrace next to his woman friend [2] In September 2010, medical studies have moved to suburbs, which are home for rent of facilities in khoeboek a Lo Alto [2]
.เคอร์เบิร์ cleaning could see blue is the best because he is colorblind, which looked red and green were not clear. In addition, blue is a primary color on the website Facebook, too.
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