Committee authorityที่บ้านเลขที่....................ถนน.....................แขวง/ตาบล........................เขต/อาเภอ............................จังหวัด......................................เมื่อวันที่........................................... ระหว่าง......................................อายุ........ปี อยู่บ้านเลขที่......................ถนน................... Kwang/blind quid .............................. เขต/อาเภอ............................จังหวัด............................................. In this contract, which is called the "lessor" one Department. กับ............................................ Age of ........ years, residing at ...................... Street ................... Kwang/blind quid .............................. เขต/อาเภอ............................จังหวัด............................................. In this contract, which is called the "tenant" by one party. Neither party has the land lease agreement messages such as the following: 1 the rental agreement, rental agreement, the tenant and the lessor's land as space .................. RAI. Jobs unveils .......... .......... sq, according to Collins.Message, both parties agree, the competent land together are dawela ........... years date ................. ถึงวันที่............................. Clause 3 the lessee pay rent to rent on a monthly basis and will pay the rent in advance of the day of the month every month .................... Clause 4, the lessee will rent you paid rent to guests at the lessor's domiciled. Clause 5 the tenant who agrees to pay the land taxes instead of the lessor. Clause 6 the tenants agree not to use the land rent for example other than as specified in the contract, clause 1, unless permission in writing from the lessor. Article 7 the tenant agrees that the text would not dig the moat or pond with any reasons which, annulled a land lessor's corrupt, unless authorized in writing from lessee. Clause 8 tenants agree not to hire land Nazi others lease or transfer of the lease contract. Unless permission is granted in writing from lessee. Clause 9 the lessee agree that facilities, the lessor or the lessor's agents monitoring the land rent every time. Clause 10, if the lessor agrees to lease land for sale prior to the end of the terms of this contract hire rental. To notify tenants in advance for a period of not less than a month will be sold at the price ........... how much to the tenant will have the opportunity to purchase. Akon, or to prepare a tenant from leased land. Clause 11: the wrong message at lease rental, paste, or several together, good to have the right to say that tenants comply with this contract or terminate the contract and claim for damages from the renter immediately. Verse 12, if the tenant must leave the land leased for any reason not the tenant has no right to claim for damages or costs arising from outer space hot hire. Clause 13 this lease tenant NBD. check to see that the land rent and see that there is a normal condition and the lessor. Delivery of land rent tenants already. Promise this GAM There are two immortal text correctly matching partners and senior management. Ngotong the parties have read and understood. The text in this agreement all along, and then seeing that correctly according to the true intent of the parties is therefore intended to be signed to significant witnesses, and each Department holds window. ลงชื่อ..........................................ผู้ให้เช่า (..........................................) ลงชื่อ..............................................ผู้เช่า (..........................................) ลงชื่อ............................................พยาน (..........................................) ลงชื่อ............................................พยาน (..........................................)
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