(3) the construction, modification or demolition of a building that is listed is not correct according to the provisions of this Act.Local legislation or regulations issued under this Act or other relevant legislation, local officials have the books.Notification message to protest, who performed the construction, modification or demolition of such building, is required by the provisions of this Act.Local legislation or regulations issued under this Act or other relevant legislation within the staff.Local, but must not be less than thirty days and during the period of notification of action was based on the notification message to protest, people.Notification of suspension of construction, modification or demolition of a building which are not valid unless executed, unless a valid action.To fix, pursuant to protest of local staff.In the case of any person who does not perform was to be completed within the period of time that the local staff are set forth in the notification message.To protest, according to the third paragraph (2) or (3) any person who does not wish to assume the construction, modification or demolition of a building, as noted.And, local officials have a dividend. The undo receipt and notification of the authority in accordance with article 40 (1) and (2) and section.42.If local officials did not object to inform message notice under article 39 bis informed within the time specified in accordance with paragraph.Third, that the construction, modification or demolition of such building permission from local officials, except cases.The following. Local officials have the power to protest message notification at any time.(1) case about invasion, public(2.), or between about cases with the pedestrian alleys or streets that a breakout.Violation of the Ministerial Declaration or local provisions issued under this Act or other relevant legislation applicable during.Any person who has submitted the notification or?(3) case regarding prohibition of construction, modification, decommissioning. Use or to change the use of any type of building, or?What kind of a ministerial declaration or local provisions issued under this Act or other applicable law.Relevant applicable while those filed a notification.The receipt of the notification, and notification messages to protest, the Board determined that the building control.To remove all provisions regarding the guidelines. The method and criteria defined in the rules issued under article 8 (12) and.Section 35, section 36, section 37 and section 38, section 39 came to govern the receipt, comply with notification.28 Chapter 3 bisTo allow the building to about the Opera House28 section 39 rising construction, modification, decommissioning, or check the movement of buildings used for business.Entertainment must be performed in accordance with the provisions of this Act.28 section 39 benja prohibit owners or occupiers of buildings used or to any building or any part of the.The building is the Opera House, unless it has received a license to operate a business from the Opera House Board of Directors has the power.Based on the second paragraph, as the case may be.A competent Opera House to consider issuing licenses. Revoking licenses perLicense Transfer of license and issue a replacement licence to Opera House. The following.(1.) in Bangkok consists of the Director-General of public works and urban planning is the Chairman of the Committee. Of representativesBangkok Health Department representatives. The Ministry of public health. The representative office of the national police is the Director. And, the Director of theFund control of construction. The Department of public works and urban planning as a Director and Secretary.
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