I found another "master cells" transplant organs together.When May 3 AFP report from Washington that the Faculty of the University's scientists from the United States has three research trials until successful in the search for the underlying cell or piece of masen? In the body of an animal growing teens and can lead to various organs, tissue culture, in so far as the same organ growth, with vitro using tissue from the disclosure of Mrs. Daiaen Khrao scientists United's Jesuit University identification in experimental research team that was successful until the present report, published in the journal "cell" which is the scientific research journals around the world.The report states that the discovery of the cell or cells of an organ for transplant purposes creatures from cattle growing teens. A team of researchers from the University of York University and the University of yen John hopkin has been taken from the spinal cord of rat bone tissue that is known to produce blood and red blood cells, was used to create the specific purposes only. Then test on the tissue of the organ "electronic waste". Environmental issues from a social technology.With a variety of technologies are developing rapidly. This is why the consumption electronic products increasing ability and spread to all classes of the population of both mobile phones. The new version of the tv, computer and any electronic device with a leap of industrial electronics that makes many types of electronics obsolete as fast as well.In recent years, a us consumer goods categories, much of the electronics. Some people may be said to change mobile phone every year because of the new version. If not, change may be trend. Especially the LCD tv that has a lower price is thought to exclude computers that many of you are in possession of both a PC and a notebook buk. These electronic products. Many people also use a full or full age is not product designers, it may be replaced. We usually buy used a lot. Without taking into consideration whether these products deteriorate when in use and how it is going to be discarded, in order to not cause harmful to people's health and environmental deterioration.That allows us to participate in the creation of force unexpectedly large mountain named "e-waste".In Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, meaning that the electronic waste, or "West" (e-waste) is a waste that contains. Electrical or electronic devices that are broken or not, people want it. Electronic waste is concerned because many of the parts in the parts they are considered toxic and cannot degrade naturally.Today's focus on groundbreaking technology to increase electronic products are outdated. Specifically, personal computers and mobile phones, which is the rate of change most often. The lifetime of the current computer is between 3-5 years of age, while mobile phone use on average 18 months plus the number of lifetime users, computers, and mobile phones, which are now more than 1 billion people around the world. Is the rise of electronic waste factor.Electronic waste from all over the world, with up to 40-50 million tons per year. In the country, Thailand's pollution control Department from the information in the electronic waste a year, there are about 2546 (2003) country Thailand 58000 tons in the year 2547 (2004)-2548 (2005) imported second-hand from Japan electronic products in Hong Kong and Singapore to Korea 265000 tons would see that as a very high rate of increase in thought.At present, the problem of electronic waste has increased three times the community solid waste, especially waste from technology products such as computers, mobile phones, with the rate of changes and current at all times. Make less use of accumulated waste and be left as is, according to the needs of the market.In addition Thailand country becomes part of the destination of electronic waste from all over the world, which are passive in form of import goods, computers and mobile phones that use overseas. Which have a short life and be an electronic waste. Create the following pollution problems.If anyone ever goes to walk at pantip can see that there is a lot of selling second hand computers and people like to buy because the price is cheaper than 50-70%.Life-cycle of electronic devices.Consumer electronic products. Not aware of the great danger to health and the environment arising from the life-cycle of electronic devices, such as the use of absolutely toxic harmful mercury. And fire-resistant in the production process that can cause contamination of toxins in the environment and health of the workers, as well as the problems that arise during the process of recycling and disposal.
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