- foreman working time, 9 hours (21 000 baht / month)
employ the 2 rate =, =, 42 000 504 000 per person per year 2
- housekeeping staff work time 9 hours (18, the 000 baht / month)
employ the 28 rate =, =, 504 000 6, 048 000 per person per year 28
- the bag Black Size 30 * 40 inches of 200 kg, 35 baht (@ 7, the 000 baht / month) = 84 000 / year,
total expense money, 000 636 6, per year Value added tax, 464 520 baht money, net, 7 100 520%
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..