2.2.5 data storage feature to store computer data will be stored in a repository is the logical status of digital and logical 1. Number 2 is comparable to the base, which consists of 0 and 1 by the storage can be divided as follows: bits (Bit) is a data storage unit, the smallest bit of meaning. (Bit; BinarDigit) is the number of digits of the number 2, where each observation is only 1 and 0, 2 data status is 1 m 10 or 11 is treated as a data bit 2. byte (Byte) size 8-bit data refers to most of the data will be used in place of a character (Character) and data size 1KB (Kilo Byte) is equal to 1024 bytes. field (Field), the field or the data is to bring together several data bytes to be used instead of storing something like that is salaries. rekhod (Record) is caused by a combination of various fields to convey the information store. file (File) is the unit of data that is caused by multiple information integration dama rekho. database (Database) is to bring together data from several files together to combine process. A normal file (Fiat-Files Modal Data) is a separate file storage as a single file without the relationship. That is causing a problem, complex and conflicting data. Hierarchical (Hierarchical Data Model) is a data storage in a complex relationship with nature in a child with parent (Parent and Child), there is a similar structure to store the Windows operating system files is the main folder (Root) that contains the subfolder multiple folders, it can create a subfolder in the best of ourselves again how a relationship is the main folder or a parent folder. It can contain subfolders, multiple folders, but the folders will be caused by the parent folder only folders.
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