Chewing gum, it takes 7 years to decompose in the area or not. Mr. David Milov from Nemours Children's Clinic pediatrician. In Milan, said that from experience, maintain the domain by using the endoscope, which is a medical instrument used long tubular body probing or intestines to diagnose disease or surgery. It is rarely found traces of chewing gum, but it will find only infrequently and most chewing gum found in the intestine, it is not older than 1 week, that prove to know a chewing gum does not take as long as seven years to decompose.As well as the comments of Duke University from Rodger Liddle confirmed nothing stuck in the stomach for up to 7 years of age, unless it is a very large lump. Thus, moving away from the stomach, or possibly to stuck in the intestines.The water in the stomach for digestion, but the sweetener for gum rubber used to make it. Water can not be digested in the stomach digestion. In addition, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) also announced that the gum rubber is thick snack that is not useful for the body.
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