News on "means" the fact (Fact) an idea (Idea) is to animate the sense of many people's stories, and during the party, which called the attention of many readers that he surely is better. " They also have the meaning of the word "news" is much more like. -The news is that important facts about what is happening and the people concerned, which has the effect or influence on human life or welfare of humans. -News is the story of the events or facts or opinions which are of interest to people. -News story or fact about their grilled new service everything that we did not know before. -News is reporting the incident, or a story that happened in a period closer to the time of writing the news. -The news is anything timely that interests a time of a number of readers, and the best news is the news that is of interest of many people as possible. -The news is presenting a report of current events in newspapers or other periodicals, or in radio and television. To see the meaning of the word "news" can vary depending on an individual's perspective, as in. The experience and time differential, but all other definitions of the word news is related to various factors are.1. the facts (Fact), events (Event) idea (Idea) commented that occurred recently have been shown has been discovered, or that there is a forecast prediction. 2. important (Significantly) interested (Interested) per person or most people in society that they can measure the importance and interest. 3. get a handful of lift up news reports (Reporting) through mass media (mass media) If you do not have to report the news media or it still is just the facts. From the meaning of the different news said. The news was enough to conclude that the story, events, facts, or opinions, thoughts that have occurred there are important new interesting. Affect the recipients of the substance and has been raised up a handful of presentations through various media. The elements of the basic question must be answered, namely 5.1. someone (Who) are questions about people like anybody doing anything that is of interest to. Who are the important people related to news and news that anyone involved or affected? 2. What's happening (What) Any action or events of a news story and significant event. What is the action or event. 3. where (Where) an action or event that happened? 4. when (When) the actions or events that occurred any time day. 5. why and how (and How Why) why the action or event guests and stories occur?To answer the question above is a tool for collecting data or details of the news, as an element of news. Guidelines to consider in order to choose a news us news serves as a door or watching the news by the moderators will monitor the news and decide to choose what news can take absolutely needs attention. The satisfaction and benefit of the target group or audience.
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