Position governor
- incumbent principal school art education Preparing the silpakorn University) at present is the fine arts when the 2497
- Deputy Secretary officer silpakorn University, 2499 BC
.- incumbent prime Painters Association sculptor Association
- vice principal โรงเรียนศิลปศึกษา. Preparing the silpakorn University) at present is the fine arts when the 2497
.Deputy Secretary - University. 2499 BC
- incumbent president sculptors Painters Association Association of Thailand
-. "Pm at the inlet." write about art and Archaeology and history, started for the first time in the book, the townspeople, 1993.2500
- deposit at the inlet, "wrote about art, archaeology and history, found in the book" the city, "
-" phlu Luang "written history. A documentary, and astrology, starting for the first time in Book Siam? Year 2501
.- "group growth of faith" critical writing ancient art Start for the first time in social sciences books review
- "a whale ชไน bury" wrote short stories and a pen name used in writing form. First start in siamrath critics week
- "A. P.Fisher wrote art critic, starting for the first time in social science review
- "โอสธี" wrote astrology, started for the first time in a weekly publication. Lady
.- "you senior" write silpakorn University. First book of welcoming silpakorn University
.You do ฎะ lush & industry is important national senior artist Sacrifice and dedication to the art. And science of national arts and culture is good, there are tea, morality and ethics is a matriarch.And the pride of the future. He died from a heart attack on 29 December 2543 included age 72 years
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