City pillar shrine Surat Thani city pillar shrine architecture as one of Srivijaya Surat Thani signs historic property with Srivijaya flourished, but ancient until now and in the future, it is likely that this land will be the center of prosperity Tana.Ngadan object and the mind in the southern part, on the construction of the city pillar shrine to pay respects to his durability and because, in the Cathedral of sacred honor h.m. the King Rama 9 he reached his 50-year rule in glory to June 9.Siri mongkhon 2539 (1996) and to As a major victory for each gift, as well as charming as the mind of the people of Surat Thani province. Faculty of Fine Arts Department as a mechanic from the construction as of Srivijaya, with emphasis on the appearance as the original local architecture who have been influenced Javanese Khmer sculptures and a sense of harmony, to represent the strength, stability and a stable.
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