rice (not wet) ¾ cup 50 g
pork ham cut shredded pork sliced sheet
1 is diced 1 tablespoons minced garlic cloves
8 carrot, shredded 3 tablespoons tomato cut lengthwise 1 you
Tablespoon vegetable oil 1
and oyster eggs 1 bubble 1 tablespoon teaspoon
soy sauce 1 sauce soy 1 spoon tea
1 half lemon, cucumber Onion, coriander, pepper
(if no certain fine. Put something else or if it's just rice and eggs, is my you too)
1 way. Starting with the pan Put the oil into enough hot start add garlic fry yellow
2Then put the minced pork to fry with ham and pork stir
3Then add the rice and fry to mix add carrot and tomato and stir. Cook cooked flavor sauce and soy sauce sauce ingredients together Then use a mug up beside the pan Dan fried riceBeat the eggs, the use of a mug Then, beside the rice pan heard with eggs Until the eggs are cooked, then spoon back to the egg on top Add oyster sauce and stir to mix again, turn off the lights4. Plate arranged in cucumber and lemon on the side dish served immediately
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