The cabinet has approved a 1.2 billion, rubber | news
image when the 3 Nov at government house, general and strategic chan-ocha, Prime Minister And the head of the national peace keeping (OPEC) said in a statement after the meeting chaired the cabinet, the cabinetApproved budget 1.2 billion). To offset production costs with rubber farmers by divided the rubber plantation owners 900 baht slits rubber 600 baht is proportional 60 per 40 by will compensate farmers with specific title.On the policy committee of natural rubber. Going to take measures to help to find the next. The farmers grow corn. With the invasion of land by a group of investors, and the yield of over to reduce the area planted, including farmers.Such as soybean, but if the violation, the government would not be able to help. However, should weigh balance that should what to plant reasonable people.A. prayuth said that the amount of water in the main dam this year, only 4.4 billion cubic meters of water release the entire system did not exceed a 20 - 30 MCM. So we must ask farmers don't plant in areas without water. To obey the instructions from the government.The Ministry of interior and the Ministry of agriculture in progress, including the Ministry of Commerce. To take market demand, how to help the people.In praise แก้วกำเนิด, spokesman for prime minister's office announced the cabinet meeting that cabinet approval to extend the project rubber farmers compensation Farm 1 thousand, until the day 31 Dec 58 from the original ending on 30 Sep58 including approval enlargement project credit compensation more interest loan support rubber planters to work extra small household 1 00000 baht. Because the farmers interested in participating in the project a lot.BankFinance ministry department of agriculture, calculate the limit must be used to extend credit. Compensate for more interest. The cabinet again within months, Dec58 while supporting project, working capital loans credit limit 1 rubber thousand million, the Ministry of industry, the performance. Because the old projects.Pol.T. praise, said that the strengthening with the rubber planters. The government will support a number of 1.3 billion scrap separate 2 part is 1. Thereby the strengthening to the farmers of 1.2 billion 2 scrap. The rest of the 1.2 billion. Is the cost management. By the rule the rescue is a 60 / 40 by grants, 1 500 baht / ha, but not more than 15 Rai radio 60 separate and 40 850 percent number,000 household divided 900 per farm household does not exceed 15 Rai for rubber plantation owners and tenants garden rubber parts rubber slits 40 percent. Is 600 per farm household does not exceed 15 rai. If the two parts together, will be 1500 baht / HA / household. The farmers grow rubber in the land with land certificate is correct. Space invaders but can't help a wounded.Praise, said that the Ministry of agriculture. Also the approval to extend the project about in years 58 number 4 project. Do not finish in 58 extend do in 59. 1. Rubber paving blocks in the field of 2 Futsal 240.Rubber paving blocks outside the building 450 playground. 3. Project flooring cut again 80. 4. Project to supply tires according to the type and size of the shipping line of defence ordnance. Also, the approval from the cabinet.Various agencies to start the new road Maintenance repair pavement matoy in fiscal 2559 all units adjust the project the application of rubber used in 5 percent.2 thousand tons, will make agricultural rubber saw the government's intention to solve various problems in order to increase the productivity and increase the use of rubber in the country more."
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