Play hide and seek!The play, hide and seek, or thumb stick is an entertainment for one type of Thai children, which has for a long time. But at present, we can still see the children together to play hide and seek. Or thumb stick according to places such as after school holidays in the doors, etc.Hide and seek, or thumb stick is known to vary according to local, such as pi, etc. in Bangkok and most suburbs are called hide-and-seek. Thumb stick no playing equipment, rules and how to play as follows.The rules.1. Those who earn their thumb, who can see in the distance.2. Who was found first need to find instead.3. People find to find the hidden to everyone.4. If the hidden man who lost are nowhere to be found. In touch with the male to sing, stick to seeking to be one more round.5. To be designated to hide to find easy.How to play.If there is a very wide area before the play all the players may agree that no hidden beyond the designated period. One hide outside is considered a foul will need to find a replacement. When the deal now to carry choose who to who find one. According to the classification and setting the playing and began to play. People find the need to close your eyes with hands off or facing poles, trees, etc. sometimes people find may count to provide time for those with hide. And those who hide may claims that "close No. essence poison eye parents farming has a single grain of rice." When judging that the hidden hide all asked that take? Who hide will say now, people find it open and find the hidden in various spots , are expected to have people to hide. When found the hidden man must say thumb... (name, who found)... He will come out of hiding. Who to have hidden until all the while to find if the hidden man ran into touch the then cried, stick the find must be one more round. But if find the hidden for everyone. Who was found to be the first to replace analytical behavior.Play of all ages. In the play the thumb stick, though he had to compete with others and find people. But the rules of play allow people to find the "thumb", the other players in the distance, but play others ต้องวิ่ง arrived.
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