And members of cooperatives who are raw milk factory is. Early production was started, 2516 (1973) pasteurized milk for the first time, and on December 25 the same year, dairy cooperative limited, Ratchaburi has registration changed its name to "poke a dairy cooperative of Ratchaburi Co Ltd" is a type of agricultural cooperative. The estimated mid-2517 (1974) The Executive Committee has taken into consideration the limited dairy swamp that milk powder produced by a machine that is currently there is no appropriate economic costs so all milk products that has not been the main international standards with the dairy farming students in Tambon Nong Pho and Wat Phou.Nearby is the most widespread of the raw milk so the start up sequence should be prepared to solve these problems in advance, so the Board of Directors of the company approved to build a new factory producing milk after a nearby with the same milk powder factory by loan fund industry company.A number of countries Thailand baht 8000000 to construction procurement value for machines and devices when new works of sahokra progress by objective, a member of the sahokra have to understand the principles of cooperative and joint venture sahokra well, based on the principle of cooperative and technologists.Evidence of stable and his Majesty therefore please transfer all church property, the company's dairy limited with a swamp plant producing powdered milk, dairy cooperative's proprietary Nong PHO Ratchaburi Co Ltd from 16 TU la 2518 (1975) was sharp and counting.ป็นพ RA krunathikhun a cathedral, his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has died in royal patronage when integrated together, cooperative dairy swamp the Ratchaburi Co Ltd has moved locations from around the company's milk powder plant was originally constructed and equipped with the team.Milk production in the factory after the Organization has continued to come in, so the dairy cooperative transferred to Nong pho, so bear the construction and installation of machinery came to continue after receiving a transfer of the undertaking by 2519 (1976) Dairy cooperatives to Nong pho. loan from the Bank for agriculture and agricultural cooperatives, the amount of baht operates construction 8000000 factories producing such milk until all construction has completed on 2520 (1977) The milk factory building called "Det building cooperative M.L. Dachetnithuang" as a gift to the. M.L. Det Sanitwong Who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors which is pus a dairy co., Ltd. who is committed and dedicated to being the best appropriate actions as his Majesty the Lord, transcribed as representatives of God and when October 17 2521 (1978) His Majesty is his Royal Majesty, together with the Kingdom of Siam Royal Kingdom suda Rattana Thep Kumari went to this building honors and dairy cooperative's visit to Nong pho. After that, the King he took God put on the vagaries of member cooperatives and dairy to Nong pho continually, that is, in which money was granted 2521 (1978) provided the amount of debris in order to establish the Foundation of 129000 baht prabaramee VII (in Grand paradise sugar pot.Ma). Intended to assist the education their children members, there came the operation, construction, dairy swamp Museum the symptoms from a horizontal initiative that is to be user-friendly, which is organizing the collection tools used in the production of milk in the past so that youth enjoy the suite.Study on the research about the dairy farming at the same time it granted, which has provided the number 960, 000 baht. As for the construction of which is completed when it received 2531 (1988) November 8, Royal called "building gods milieu pour wakun" official dairy cooperative in the sense of divine grace to Nong pho has provided stock to his Majesty a number of stock 45999.The stock is worth 100 baht per baht 2533 (1990) 4599900 and later in the Palace Bureau has July 1 2534 (1991) Committee action provided and of interest his Majesty Lord please please. The current dairy cooperatives to Nong pho has operated for over 43 years to come that way over the past period dairy cooperative Nong pho joint venture comes along Royal intention is of his Majesty by a dairy cooperative to Nong pho round can produce pasteurized milk and products.U h. t dairy products. To get around the country with sufficient capacity to accommodate the quantity of raw milk to the dairy farmers in Tambon Nong Pho and nearby. Farmers do not have the problem, trouble in selling raw milk when the operation of the various interests in the cooperative, most will fall to the members and the co-operative dairy swamp the Ratchaburi. (Patronage) is a solution of the problem solving ability. Of dairy farmers, the actual sense of the word, and his wishes of his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, which enrich the Committee operates powdered milk plant. At the chitralada Palace, Phra private place Friday September 11, there are some steps that 2513 (1970) "When the dairy cooperative's progress by a different member cooperatives with the objective of understanding the main cooperative and good cooperative joint venture is based on the principle of a stable and cooperative evidence Lord please transfer all church property, the company's dairy limited, together with the Protocol factory a poke, as cooperative joint venture in further cooperative according to whim.
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