1. the letter underlined what ASEAN stands forG Assembleข. Association2. which country has the smallest population. G bun, Chennai ข. Singapore3. the country has the most islands are as follows: The State of the Philippines. ข. Indonesia4. any non-tropical (Tropical Zone) The State of Viet Nam ข. Myanmar5. what countries were under British France. The State of Indonesia ข., Cambodia6. the King, the Prime Minister of the country, where he is the King of which country. G Malaysia Brunei ข.7. citizens of either country, natives of hotel Xian. The State of the Philippines. ข. Thailand8. the gems found in any country. The State of Thailand ข. Myanmar9. the ASEAN Summit for the first time (1976), occurred? The State of Cha-am. ข. Bali10. the Committee was established in ASEAN as a group of people? The State of the Prime Minister Foreign Minister ข. -2-11. ASEAN's cultural Commission letter? AEC. ข. COCI12. which countries are not producing rice. The State of the Philippines. ข. Singapore13. ASEAN's tv show called anything. The State of ASEAN in Action ASEAN Awareness ข.14. What is the population of ASEAN. G 1200 million ข. 600 million15. map (Road map) of the production base, Thailand has been assigned to prepare for the ASEAN? A. tourism and air transport (aviation)ข. agricultural and fishery products16. the main pillars of the AEC is an abbreviation which. The State of security. ข. economy17. the airline Air Asia is the country which owns. The State of Cambodia. ข. Thailand18. ASEAN's main plant is a plant? G rice ข. rubber19. the countries which joined ASEAN Latest The State of Viet Nam ข. Myanmar20. which country has the smallest area. The State of Singapore Brunei ข.21. natural resources are oil, which is in the country. The State of Brunei Darussalam. ข. Singapore -3-22. countries where there is a risk of catastrophe is what country. The State of Indonesia ข. Philippines23. the country which is located in the Andaman Sea. The State of the Philippines. Brunei ข.24. ASEAN is a symbol of how many early rice. 9. the beginning ข. 10 ton25. ASEAN + 3 ASEAN countries namely, nothing. A. China Korea Japan ข. Australia New Zealand India26. the country in which the Buddhist Mahayana is. The State of Myanmar Viet Nam ข.27. which country. Roman religions tholi cache. The State of Singapore ข. Philippines28. the citizens of any country have used language in Dutch. The State of Indonesia ข. Malaysia29. novel writing The story of Raja Maya na Thailand received the influence of any country. The State of Cambodia. ข. Indonesia30. the country's national food skewer which The State of Indonesia ข. Thailand31. the focus of ASEAN's cultural project? The State of the literature of ASEAN studies ข. cultural exchange of personnel.32. the impact of national culture and dance, which is wood. The State of Thailand ข. Philippines -4-33. the activities of ASEAN culture? The State of the art ข. cultural meetings 34. What is supported in the working age group of most cultural events. The State of the elderly ข. youth35. which country won the poet c. Wright the year 2554 (2011) The State of Indonesia ข. Thailand36. the countries which use the yawi The State of Indonesia ข. Malaysia37. which of the Buddhist Theravada countries. The State of Viet Nam ข., Laos38. the development of the letter comes from a country which Devanagari. The State of Cambodia. ข. Malaysia39. BA is the national dress of any. G Malaysia ข. Philippines40. in any country, France is the second language. The State of Indonesia ข., Cambodia41. in addition, Thailand is a mask of any national arts. The State of Indonesia ข., Cambodia42. What is an ASEAN language Interlingua. The State of China. ข. English43. what countries named as the Republic of G Malaysia ข., Laos -5-44. achieving the goal of ASEAN community, ASEAN is set completely in any year. Prof. a. ค. 2015 ข., 2020 45. the peso is the currency of the country in which. The State of the Philippines. ข. Malaysia46. the airline alliance with airlines in Thailand which is the airline of the country. The State of Laos. ข. Singapore47. the Phra that SI song Rak in particular countries. The State of Thailand ข., Laos48. Bandung is a city of any country. The State of Brunei Darussalam.ข. Indonesia49. what countries adjacent to the countries of the East, Thailand. The State of Myanmar ข., Cambodia50. countries which have a system of education. The State of Brunei Darussalam. ข. Philippines51. the ASEAN countries have integrated various economic schemes plan to do named only?A. the blueprint for the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC Blueprint).ข. integrated plan for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC Integration Plan).52. an important element of a single market and production base of the ASEAN Economic Community include which of the following.ASEAN economic policy coordination.ข. Service Workers Union free53. the creation of the competitiveness of ASEAN economies comprise the following.A. trade rights.ข. intellectual property rights 54. how to make a free trade zone and the creation of a network for the production, or is the goal of the ASEAN economic community in which of the following.G as a single market and production base, in combination.ข. to build the competitiveness of ASEAN economies -6-55. the ASEAN population. + 3A. the 31% 2068 million people of the population of the world.ข. 2506 (1963) million accounted for 42% of the world population.56. countries, Thailand is responsible for the preparation of road map on a group of items and services branch. A. agricultural and fisheriesข. tourism and aviation57. Myanmar in any jurisdiction. A. agricultural and fisheriesข. information technology and health services.58. the Philippines had been assigned to take care of in any branch. G electronicsข. information technology and health services.59. countries specialize in the Singapore group, any products and services. G electronicsข. information technology and health services.60. the movement of skilled labour has been prepared and signed an agreement to accept professional qualifications in many branches.G 12 branches.ข. 13 branches.61. the movement of skilled labour free contains Labour in particular professions.Professor g.ข. student survey 62. a framework agreement the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which include the following:The State of free trade area (ASEAN Free Trade Area).ข. Special economic zone (Special Economic Zone).63. the linkage between the ASEAN (ASEAN Connectivity) comes from the originality of any country.The State of the country Thailand ข. countries, Malaysia64. the plan of the parent article links lookin.
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