1.2 distribution of natural vegetation in the world, the distribution of the vegetation in different environment can be divided 3 categories biological cycle is
.1 plants growing in salt water, such as seaweed, sea grass, which can be synthesized by the light to create the food. The coastal areas and the joints between freshwater flowing out of sheets of earth and sea called the brackish water.Such as mangrove wood, wood, wood, wood Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove trees from tabun, etc., and because these species often grow beach lane of estuary called this area. "Forest".Mangrove forest also served as the soil from erosion based on of the current. Wind and wave to damages to the inner earth
.2 plants that grow in fresh water. The milling of inland waters, and so farming have many plants grow, including plant lines from the plants with rhizomes in the soil.Plants that floated downstream, such as duckweed water hyacinth plants growing on the long, such as the reed, perennial plants growing in the area, such as the gilt. Etc.
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