Resume (Resume)
Personal information (CVS)
name and surname. Ms. gold. Home Hill High... The... The... The... The... The nickname... Mem... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
name. (English). Miss Kanjana Homsungnoen...... beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful...
.Present address... 150..... Khan...... 2... '... The road......' southwest...............). The district / county...... Na Klang.........
district / county............ Hills High........................ in......... Nakhon Ratchasima... To...? Postal code...... 30380........... Mobile... 080-1554954... To... To... To... The...Email... To... To... To... To... To... The...
date, month, year... 16 April 2533....,...,...... Age of......... 23...... years, race...) '... To... The... The... Nationality............ Thai music...... beautiful...... religion............ Buddhist beautiful... The... The... The... The... To... To... The...
height... 153... Helpless........................ weight... 43.... kg. Type... Ohhh... To... To... To... The... The...
motto... Don't be afraid of what it is don't happen. And don't allow drifts away... To... To... To... To... To... The... The...
.Family Information (family history)
father name... You Chakri Home Hill High... The... The... To... To... The... Age... 50... Occupation... Agriculture...... the...
mothers name... Her van. Home Hill High... The... The... The... To... The... Age... 50... Occupation...Agricultural......
have siblings (including candidates)... 1... A man... 1... A woman... -... People. Is the son of man... 2...... to... To...
you power. Home Hill High...... age 26 years...... career staff company..... The... The... The... To... To... To... To... The...
.Education (a)
education Educational Level institutions
Institution branch
Major since From to To grade
High accumulate secondary school. The school school Kut CHIK science, general 2546 2548 vocational 3.38
.Vocational Nakhon Ratchasima Vocational College Accounting 2548 2552 2.97
history. Education
Diploma nakhonratchasima accounting 2552 2553 3.27
Bachelor bachelor's degree. Degree mahasarakham university accounting 2553 present 3.49
also experience / training
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