The scientific method is to seek knowledge, scientific process patterns are steps that can be followed. By-step scientific method, which is an important tool of scientists.The benefits of the scientific method is to make the sequence of the scientific method are tidy and easy to experiment with finding the facts.The scientific method Consists of 5 steps. As follows:To define the issues arising from observations by using all 5 senses include eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body with the skeptic think direct contact with events to find out the information and save the information which the assigned problems must be clear and in relation to the knowledge that requires creativity.Setting a reasonably standard mami To find the answer in advance of the trial by virtue of observing the original experience is fundamental to ending knowledge. Find answers in advance, this is not a principle. The assumption, or the answer, think ahead, often mentioned as a message that tells you the relationship between variables with variables.To verify the assumptions of hypothesis verification is performed by collecting data from both surveys. Trial or other methods.Analysis of the data. Import data from Research, experiment or gather information and facts, analyze the results.The conclusion of the experiment. The conclusion of the experiment. As the last step of the scientific method, which is caused by the data or facts that have come to trial result and find the relationship between the data or facts to explain and verify that assumptions are correct or not.Scientific knowledge acquired?Scientific knowledge derived from scientific process or the scientific method, which requires observation, hypothesis, design issues, location and summary trials, and then bring the knowledge that came as rules or hypothesis to be basic in education research.Scientific knowledge has 5 branches include:There are 5 categories:1. natural sciences2. applied sciences3. Social Sciences4. military science.5. environmental science
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