Holding the bag or carrying shopping bags become a part of daily life of the woman Especially girl shopper and housekeeper Each purchase was the number of bags less more risk the opportunityCarry them during the torrential bulking discount summer sale The handbag and shopping bags, heavy this carry a forget this disease of disease of อปขึ้น shopper shoppers often occur with back shoulder Elbow, wrist and handEtc. due to carrying too much weight for a long time, the cause of the symptoms, such as มากาย
- muscle pain (muscle pain myofascial pain), because the bag or a heavy bag and many leaves, muscle contraction, hard work Often the scapula muscle pain on both sides, shoulder pain, back pain,
- knee pain, back pain, caused by inappropriate shoes when shopping, such as high heels down much, a long walk. May make nerves at ankle is pressed (anterior tarsal tunnel) cause numbness at my toes, etc.- the nerves were pressed around the wrist Carpal snipe (tunnel syndrome) may happen to like woman handbag tote bag strap or the arm or wrist (style attitude housewife Japan) Make tea at the hand or wrist painThe index finger, middle finger fingertip and half of the ring finger Some people may hurt like a power running all the time If it may make symptoms of muscle weakness palms have
Digital tendinitis is shoulder tendon inflammation (Rotator cuff tendinitis) ligaments of elbow inflammation of tendon sheath around the "Pong (Dequervian tenosynovitis) and if carry heavy bags. May make the finger tendon sheath inflammationThe occurrence of finger lock followed. Call that Thai finger lock status trigger (Trigger finger), but all ที่พูดถึง can relieve pain and prevent with a simple method Is
* avoid carrying, holding, or shoulder bags, should not use very big, because of the very large, as much will put a lot of weight will accordingly A medium sized leaves or small to fit the shape ourselves better
Utility services or use a wheelchair of the Department Store May have to walk for many a long night out or cart But better physical health worse later Or the bag or basket of small drag with yourself* wear comfortable shoes when shopping
Education management and fingers, wrist, elbow, and shoulder. For avid shopper girl should practice management of these organs To prevent the sprain or tendinitis easy Starting from the metacarpophalangeal joint by using the thumb The index finger and middle finger up on the wall10 times, wrist, hand and management 2 side and BAE stretches to the end. Do about 10 times and a circular rotating wrist left - right 10 times Management of elbow bent elbow and arm 2 side harmonic (like tha with folded arms) a right armThen to force each other, left 6-7 seconds and do the alternate side, shoulder and rotate the arm forward - after the circular side 10 times
- use a hot pack - cool relief the pain. If feel aching muscles, such as the shoulder can be used to reduce pain, swelling and cold pack in 1-2 first day Then use a hot pack with muscle stretch gentlyBut if the condition is bad Go and consult doctor woman with shopping belong together The next time we need to prepare before out shopping with the guidance thereof Or for the young to help carry fine not less.
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