This document is a self learning kit, students can study manual is about basic grammar can be used to organise educational activities in all levels due to learn the English language in the present discussion focuses on communication rather than sensitive side.Andon system causes the participants lack of grammar skills. Participants not able to sort words into the correct sentence pursuant to the regulations. From experience, the English teacher who prepared to see that students of all levels the range has a syntax problem till the end cause all students lack confidence in using English as the various scenarios in this paper may be one of the thasat of language learning in age,English help students learn faster. Confidence in using English more Because if the students have accuracy in grammar, then it will be able to use it as a basis to learn listening skills. Speaking, reading, writing, and level of development occurs in a sustainable school. Passengers who, thank you for your support with this set of documents to use it wisely for the benefit of students and the education to hope to get recommendations from people.
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