The current service industry happened countless such as hotels, tour guide etc. In each job has many duties, we can choose to do the rough our ability. And if we effort and patience, and can be enough. We can step in to a high position as well. To succeed and everyone all need to pass the level, employeeToday, I"ll talk to you Sawai treasure is the man at the age of 60 and listen to his story makes us understand that he is a person worthy of the effort. Wise and brave in doing what they love. A prototype of the working model. The climb from employees face around front hotel, persistent, and planning in life. It works in a high position it as a hotel management personnel in the field. With the experience. Since the pioneers in Phuket, a few decades ago, till nowadays, the market is more complex. You Sawai still stand in as a working hotel. Successful and versatility in strategy management. With the working profile leading hotels, restaurants, from Bangkok and in Phuket. Currently, he is the general manager (Management). Corporate General Manager (CGM) of the company S.T.P. Group Management Co, Ltd. Responsible management La Flora Resort Patong and The Naka Phuket Pool Villa Resort of Phuket Which is about in the field of architectural design, the most prominent part of the Lafayette, which in the event.
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