Kek watershed development project due to the initiative
Phetchabun is. : from the political opposition in India. As a result, terrorism, war Or more since 2508, particularly in the area of Phitsanulok and Phetchabun province is joint third parties against the government, which it considered that. Areas such as the right conditions are wild. He intricate that the government will crack down even harder. Using his neck is central to the Army, was assigned to the 3rd Army Region responsible for the fight against communist insurgents by establishing headquarters at 394 Airport mix Municipality. Phetchabun province on December 25, 2511 which is the current location of the control at 33 and has taken the fight. Consecutive Battle through 13 major operations, such as mountain ash. Battle Ramasoon Battle Rock City 1-3 Battle Rock City mighty war, etc., etc. , about the 2514-2515 3rd Army began building separate from Phitsanulok - Lom Sak occupies 100 km Campson house to house. Rumor and in 2517 had the idea to reduce the pressure spike of the Communist Party. Thailand (CPT). The build another road from Na Ngua home Sado Phong. The first road to connect with the home Sado Phong but has been hampered fierce resistance. The cause damage to both sides is very much in the year 2518 His Majesty the King. The quarterback battle royal visit Sarit Sena camp Phitsanulok He has to take the initiative. "Strategic Plan" to end hostilities. By using both sides benefit not only military people around the 3rd Military Region has established a strategic village development. By His Majesty the King at the royal estate of his number one. Equity in the first set as "Basin Development Division Kek" The main work on the construction of a paved stone field line - his neck throughout training volunteer representatives. The allocation of arable land to the people. Water supply Agricultural and run this project. "Basin Development Kek" by embarking on March 10, 2520, the Khao Kho district of Phetchabun province in the west. Distance from Phetchabun province, about 45 km away from Lom. Phetchabun province, about 51 km in the administrative area of about 1333 square kilometers, or about 833 125 hectares of terrain the mountain complex. Has a wavy slope of the wave height is the height above sea level between 400 - 1400 meters and has a watershed of major rivers such as River Basin Kek Basin Wang Nan Basin Watershed I - Nam Chun and Pasak in. Former Khao Kho covered with evergreen forests (evergreen forest) of forest encroachment widely about 20 years ago. In the current climate makes the area such as the bald mountain forest remaining 10 percent. Then the area was overrun by the agricultural crops of corn, beans, vegetables, ginger, etc. Since most areas with a slope of a relatively high amount of rainfall is compounded by the lack of farmer awareness about conservation of soil and water. A shifting cultivation and burning crop residues in arable land. The impact caused the deterioration of these areas upstream. Wash soil erosion severe consequences. In some areas with high slope. Cover the surface of what will be a slippage of soil. And in the lower slope. There are fine lines and deep furrows. Resulting from the erosion of soil. Generally seen these things happening in the soil is destroyed. Has resulted in soil degradation Abundance The capacity to maintain soil moisture decreases, which affects the yield. Low agricultural Environment in that area, and the lower the risk of flooding and drought.
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