Singapore = Anna came from Singapore and best pretty girl named people. Caching features from the PhilippineMalaysia had fully come = range magic box hoists, we came to learn, and more. Damai?Everyone is talking together = good.Bun = Chennai started the language of each country, one we called the Asian languages. Salamanca tied David cracker Matsumoto, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, La Serena Spa =. = gu = mutta Singapore escape. Amount of rain. Malaysia = Salamanca tied David crackerThai = Hello = I also entertained the dawn of Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, de = good = nachao SIM. Myanmar (Burma) = Mika ngakala BAThe Philippines also has language =, we also have a beautiful dress I.Viet Nam is obviously not the shirt example = I wear here, he called our yai.
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