Promotional analysisHowever, Prof. Dr. Kevin Hiowisan Lecturer, University of North Carolina phaphle Hill chat criticized a report of the United Nations by the Office of the United Nations development programme, which praised the philosophy sufficiency economy that these reports did not contain sufficient economic support that nueahatnap is "a choice that mostly.Agoda for global progress in the path that is not sustainable in the now "and said almost all of the report's content is simply and solely a tool for propaganda within the country only. Best Director, Håkan Deputy Björkman, Office of the United Nations development programme, said "the Office of the United Nations development programme would cause the discussion to consider this matter, but it is impossible because it might risk creating random Grand might which is prison," he said.There is also criticism that the sufficiency economy philosophy and concepts in a format that is different from the "local expert" (Localism) and there are also many foreigners who did not understand that the sufficiency economy philosophy. Actually mean?References1. the Royal Royal ceremony where he received a Bachelor of Sciences at Kasetsart University. Thursday, July 18, 19742. Lord ratkrasae commanded the sufficiency economy will present "sacred ACC. As the Buddhist God, but birthday 2517 (1974) methi vajira ว., citing the confusion, on about localism, the nation weekend last year Edition 15 763 12 days January 18-2550 (2007)3. the sufficiency economy study center, National Institute of development administration.4. Office of the Director of the national economic and social development, a document summarizing the essence. The national economic and social development plan, issue 9.5. UN Secretary-General office. THAI KING'S DEVELOPMENT AGENDA, VISIONARY THINKING INSPIRATION TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, SAYS SECRETARY-GENERAL TO BANGKOK PANEL6. UN News Center. With new Human Development award, Annan hails Thai King as example for the world7. the JIRA it lookin at Ku Yun rang Ayutthaya, "I did" in the father's teaching. The word processor and the Royal Decree regarding the sufficiency economy, Bangkok: the Foundation for the practicioner of religious austerities, 2551 (2008)8. in essence, Sen, apichai, a Buddhist Economics: evolution of theory and application of the various branches of Economics, publishing Amarin, 2547 (2004).9. classical sumet medical alternative localism, d.SC. ... Solutions.; In light of the inherent dignity and attend khunakon. (2549 (2006)). Having the future in Thai 2552 (2009). printed company limited. Page 52.10. classical sumet medical alternative localism, d.SC. ... Solutions.; In light of the inherent dignity and attend khunakon. (2549 (2006)). Having the future in Thai 2552 (2009). printed company limited. Page 55.11. the Jui Li atham, 2549 (2006) The development direction of macroeconomic financial12. Statement by H.E. Dr. Surakiat Sathirathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand at the Luncheon held at upon the occasion of Ministerial Meeting of the Tenth Summit of the Francophonie Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24 November 200413. Thai painting sini suttatip, of the United Nations with a "sufficiency economy" of "the King", Matichon newspaper. 2550 (2007) 30-year March 26 issue 1060714. The Economist,Rebranding15. chani da chit science, "look at localism through colorful glasses:" sufficiency economy "with the" establishment "was the prerogative in his Majesty", academic conference Liao after the Lae's face changes to its traditional rural society 2540 (1997)-2550 (2007) case "sufficiency economy: knowledge and ignorance", Faculty of liberal arts, University City, November 20 through claims. 2551 (2008) Prachatai, "sufficiency economy" with the "established the present Panel discussion: the prerogative. M. Ubon Ratchathani, 2550 (2007) November 27 16. Thai researchers proposed at the world economic crisis recovery using sufficient 31st year 2551 (2008) October 24 Edition of the daily matichon 11185.17. Håkan Björkman,Honouring the World's 'Development King, UN Chronical Online18. the Office of the United Nations development programme, Human Development Report 2007: Thailand Sufficiency Economy and Human Development, United Nations Development Programme, 2007.19. the report reviews of prachatai, Office of the United Nations development programme for the year 2550 (2007) on localism, partial translation from 2550 (2007). December 4 article "Royalist propaganda and nonsense policy", Journal of Contemporary Asia, 38, issue 1, year 2008 and get the New Mandala, Interview with Professor Kevin Hewison-Part One, August 16, 2007.20. Kevin Hewison.Localism in Thailand a study of globalisation and its discontents. 1999.21. Asia Times,In Thailand, a return to 'sufficiency', 5 October 2006
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