Loss of compression due to the curing, immersion curing, lifetime-style show in the form of a percentage loss of strength (Strength loss,%) can be obtained from equation 4-2 as follows:The percentage of compression loss = ((non compression DIP)-(compression and frozen water))/((non compression DIP)) x 100% (4-2).The percentage loss of strength of soil-cement table 4-3, it was found that during the first 3 days. The percentage of all strength loss will have a relatively high value is in the range of approximately 40% to 45%, subsequently, at the age of 7 days assessing the percentage loss are likely reduced to 28% to 32%, and declining to until the age of 14 and 28 days incubation, all this finds CB.A20 at maximum compression value will have a percentage loss of the lowest strength in every age range, curing. When considering the age of the curing in the long run, a 90-day loss of strength of soil cement decreased approximately 19% is clearly up to 27% and slightly down at the age of 120 days incubation approximately 17% to 27% of all this CBA20 still has a percentage loss of the lowest strength in every age range, curing in during.Long as well as short curing age range 28-day addition, CBA50, which has the lowest compression still has a percentage loss of compression in most all ages consistent with assessing the research of faculty and Horpibulsuk (2013) found that soft clay that improve quality with lime. Calcium carbide and fly ash will have a percentage loss of compression due to a dip of about 32 to 37% at ages ranging from 7 days to 2-assessing the month.
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