Education system in New Zealand is different from other countries, including Thailand, little is studying elementary education for all six years, like other countries, but the secondary will total 7 year New Zealand is a source of quality one country. The exposure to international students took classes from elementary school English until the university which offers courses to choose from thousands of
high school students in New Zealand has about 400 of the School of Government, semi-government (schools funded by the government). and private schools, each of which can handle. Instruction, but must be certified by the
New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) curriculum and educational standards are similar purpose. The same is preparing to students. To get the high school diploma by the government. All students completing the form 5 (m. 5) will have to sit the exam center of the country called the School Certificate and the end of the form 6 (m. 6) must exams at school is a test for Sixth Form Certificate so. Choosing a school is so important to most high school students, foreign students in form 3 (year 3. age 13 years), some schools get from one form (Jan. 1) Students form a layer 3-4. secondary school Students will study basic subjects such as English, social science, science, health, physical education, music, art and home economics classes may have different economics. Form 5-6 students in a high school. Will have a choice as more dominant and less compulsory. Courses in English, math, science, when completed form five students to the School Certificate Examination organized by the Ministry of Education and the School Sixth Form Certificate, which was organized at the end of sixth form students in Form 7 is the final year in high school. Students are required to take the Bursary and Scholarship Examination scores. The university application Foreign students can not attend. Students in 5-6-7 should form the basis of the study subjects at the undergraduate level of interest. If interested undergraduate business should choose mathematics, statistics, economics, accounting, etc. The students will also learn the science of chemistry, physics, biology and so chose.
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