7 festive Mardi Gras - New Orleans Arizona, United States. Mardi Gras - New Orleans Cheryl Gerber / Stringer / Getty Images. , when you? : March 4, 2557 Where: State of New Orleans. , how? If you want to party As if there is no tomorrow This festival is for you 8. Oktoberfest - Munich, Germany. Oktoberfest - Munich, Germany AFP / Getty Images When?: last Sunday of September. Until the first week of October. nowhere?: City of Munich, Germany. , how?: Although the world will be celebrating Oktoberfest beer festival, however, is City of Munich is still a city that celebrates the work of. Finally, in 2013, beer was sold in an average of 96,178,668 USD per day during the festival. 9. Tomato Festival La Tomatina - Boon Hill (Buñol), Spain. La Tomatina - Buñol, Spain When?: last Wednesday of August. somewhere?: Buñol, Spain. , how?: Events that madness eventually be held. Year Started in 1945 by throwing fruit and vegetables during the walk takes you. Nowadays, it has become a tomato is put together. The people were fun born (By the administrator would puke because I like the smell of the tomato). 10th. The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Gaia - Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque International Balloon Festival - Albuquerque, NM. Christian Petersen / Getty When? 5-13 October 2557 Where? : Albuquerque, New Mexico How: Every year the Greater Albuquerque packaging. The heaven of the balloon around the world. Together into a great international balloon festival. 11th. Michal Carnival - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Carnaval - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Buda Mendes / STF / Getty When? : 28 February to 4 March 2557. nowhere? : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. , how?: The festival is similar for the Carnival at Venice. A continuous non-stop partying. Fill with decorations and music, Brazilian samba. And take it awful. Celebrates wildly
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