Feeding by adult
mosquitoes are many ways to find their prey, including chemical and noise and heat sensors. In general, both male and female mosquitoes eat nectar and plant juices. But in many of the mouth of the ideal woman. Pierce the skin of animals and family Steal their ectoparasites. In many girls want to get nutrients from food into blood, before she can produce eggs, while other species are much more she can produce more eggs after eating. blood meal The feeding of mosquitoes, including those with type O blood, heavy chip with a lot of skin bacteria that have a lot of body heat and pregnancy. Both plant material and blood as a useful source. Energy in the form of sugar and blood to make nutrients more concentrated, such as fat, but the function is the most important meal of blood is to get the protein that is material in egg production
strategies of women only at the risk of his life. They are not limited to blood-sucking mosquitoes, it also happens in some other insects, such as family Tabanidae on female reproduction without eating parasites, she said, the practice of copying autogenously as in Toxorhynchites; Otherwise reproduce may be called an autogenously such as occurred in species of mosquito-borne diseases, particularly Anopheles and some of the most important disease vectors such as mosquitoes. On the other hand, something like a mosquito repellent is an autogenously part; They do not need to eat for the first round of blood to produce eggs, which they produce. autogenously; But later clutches of eggs were produced an autogenously points of their disease activity becomes vectoring function with regard to a host of female mosquitoes hunt their blood host by detecting hydrocarbon. Carbon dioxide (CO 2) and 1 octen-3-OL host and producer of the light perception. Mosquitoes like some more than others sweat victims in need of just smells better than others because the proportion of carbon dioxide, octenol and other compounds that make up the body odor. The most effective semiochemical Called a keen sense of smell. Mosquito quinquefasciatus is nonanal most of the feeling of mosquito-infested or perception is dedicated to sniffing out the source of the blood, 72 types of receptors smell its tentacles at least 27 are tuned in. Monitoring chemical found in sweat in the mosquito, searching for the host to take place in two steps: First, the mosquito behavior for Visit to raise awareness of the host, and then following the procedure prescribed. target
species of mosquito mainly crepuscular (morning or evening) feeders. During hot days, most mosquitoes rest in a cool place and wait for the evening, although they may still bite if disturbed some such. Asian tiger mosquito Are known to fly and during lunch, before and during blood feeding mosquitoes suck blood, saliva injected into the body of blood. This serves as saliva Anticoagulant without one might expect turkey female mosquitoes to become clogged with blood clots. Saliva is also the main route by which the mosquito physiology passengers germs reach the host is not surprising salivary caters to cause most illnesses, so they find their way into the area over the flow of saliva hit left on the skin. after the bite victim is called the effort, which is caused by histamines to fight proteins left by insect attack. Mosquitoes breed in Toxorhynchites Never drink this blood type, including mosquitoes that remains the largest larvae of prey, the larvae of mosquitoes, other drugs, mosquito These have been used in the past as an agent to control mosquitoes are different. with success
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