Contracts taking this form create an incentive for the Manager to increase dividend Payments
when the Upper Limit is binding, thereby counteracting the over-retention Problem noted in Smith
and Watts (1,983th).
5Dividend equivalents are Claims which Vary with the dividend Payments on common Stock. .
6The Theory does not Explain the form of Bonus Awarded contracts or why executives are
earnings-based bonuses. For a discussion of these issues, See Jensen and Meckling (one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six),
Holmstrom (the 1979th), Miller and Scholes (the 1,980th), Fama (one thousand nine hundred eighty), Hite and Long (1,980), Holmstrom
(one thousand nine hundred eighty-two), Smith and Watts (1 983). , Larcker (1983), and Demski, Patell and Wolfson (1984).
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