HistoryBecause Mr. Witya Ngawiangchantha The head of the National Park, DOI Phu Kha Nan has made the book proposed that the national park section between forest areas, national parks and national parks DOI Phu Kha SI NaN is very abundant. Highlight the natural beauty there are many worthy of exploration to the establishment of a conservation area, in the form of a national park. Agreed, according to the national park section, and report to the Department of forestry, which respectively, Forestry Department has considered as the Government's policy on natural resources conservation forests. Water sources, streams and wildlife development as tourist attractions, has ordered the Forestry Department/2537 (1994) 2537 September 13, 1729 down Mr. padoong are complete. 5 national parks, forestry academics, acting head of the output of forest, purple head of forest park and Phra suphan buri province Dong rang in Kanchanaburi province the cradle while it conducted the survey established a national forest area, forest, forest-Mae charim namwa. Namwa forest national forest Wild Pear, and a nearby ravine forest area in Mae charim district Amphoe wiang SA of Nan province and neighboring district as a National Park, National Park Act b.e. 2504 by acting head of the National Park. With this property.The survey found that from such forests are abundant. There are beautiful natural highlight is the source water as well as many other types of wildlife that is determined to be appropriate to the National Park, and has presented the preliminary National Park Board of Directors. When the National Park Committee meeting No. 2/2538 May 18, which the Committee when 2538 (1995) National Park have already agreed to proceed to the establishment of national forest area, according to the report, as the next National Park. Mae charim National Park status is in preparation, so the announcement that Mae charim National Park located on the Lam rim namwa. Ban Huai Sai Mun Moo 5, Tambon Nam Pai, Mae charim of Nan province.Department of forestry, have books 0712.3 kot/1469 down September 21 2543 process draft decree define forest land area and forest namwa Mae charim. Wild South Eastern Nan and PA namwa Huai and PEAR. In Tambon Nam Pai, Mae charim, Tambon phang, water, and subdistrict, Nan shoulder. Tambol Nong Nam san Na Tambon wiang SA District new muap Nan National Park, with the main reason and provide unified draft decree and the Decree the end map successfully. The Cabinet should be presented and agreed to approve the law as applicable to the next announcement. The Office of the Council, there have been books that holds down November 30 801/0602 2543, ask the Forestry Department established a joint representative to clarify the details in the draft decree defines check land such a forest. On December 7, the Forestry Department and 2543 explicitly, Mr. Nrimit the West direction. Forestry officer 6 to join the national park section to clarify details of the meeting to review the draft Convention at the Royal kritdika and the instead, assign a Forestry Department to fix the details of phaenthi according to the results of the next Council meeting.Subsequently, the Office of the Council, there have been books that holds down the 371/0602 2544 censorship April 11 report that the draft decree defines the forest and wild mom namwa charim. Wild South Eastern Nan and PA namwa Huai and PEAR. In Tambon Nam Pai, Mae charim, Tambon phang, water, and subdistrict, Nan shoulder. Tambol Nong Nam san Na Tambon wiang SA District new muap Nan completed the Forestry Department and ask them to confirm the approval of the draft Royal Decree on it back to the Office, the Council and the Forestry Department approves the draft Royal Decree, according to which book it 0712.3 kot/11313 down May 17 2544.
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