5. the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao People's Democratic Republic)5.1 infrastructure transport The transport of the Lao economy rely on road transportation is primarily by 98% of the quantity.All passenger transport, and 86% of all transport services and road transport, because there is no way out of the sea in Laos. Exporting and importing requires the closest neighbouring Thailand, Cambodia, China and Viet Nam are as follows: is passed to the other countries. Laos, which has a transport service, including 146 companies by the company business and transport 67 passengers and cargo business, the company is 62 and 17 companies are shipping and handling the business instead of the streets of Laos is at least 32000 km approx 23% 21% land highway is a highway within a rural road and the rest of the road, by the main road are common vehicles used the route since the 250-540 vehicles/day. In the overview. Laos is a road that can be used all season not even half of all the majority of the road is in the hole, it is not a pond due to lack of investment, increase the lack of maintenance to the physical characteristics that make it a difficult road. However, Laos, interested developing land transportation route in the section under the Commander of the regional cooperation framework of the Mekong River basin (GMS) and the bilateral cooperation, which helped Laos has the basic structure for better road. Road transportation between Thailand to Laos will pass the bridge over the Mekong River, the most important are: The bridge over the Mekong River between Nong Khai province with the 1st road, Vientiane. The current service is enabled. The bridge over the Mekong River between Mukdahan province with two competitive band Savannakhet. Launch services, is a prestressed concrete bridge width 12 m long bridge is 1600 meters, the car side Thailand chutklap. The bridge over the Mekong River between Nakhon phanom province officially with conquest is expected to launch the service year 2553. The bridge over the Mekong River between Chiang Rai with the 4th Road, Bo kaeo. The service is expected to launch the year 2554. The Government of Laos, the development of basic infrastructure and road has cut the road and road network to areas more. By financial support from the international organization. Major roads in Laos are as follows: 1) No. 1 (R1) road linking the North of the country. Starting from the Lao border with China as a standard width of 8 meters of road surface along the line through the thicket of wheat road, highway, road, water, Harbor road, Urumqi saw Sai yoi Luang Prabang and connecting route No. 6 in road, huaphan.2), no. 2 (R2) is a highway linking Laos to Viet Nam Road, which goes from the road No. 3 Highway, water-repellent sub-district pass road, Patpong road No. 6, wheat with Viet Nam's Dien Bien Phu Street, which the city number 6 of Viet Nam as the road to the capital Hanoi Viet Nam.
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