Rongngeng is a folk dance arts of Thai Muslims in four southern border provinces, as well as the cities of Northern Malaysia General popular and spread to Indonesia (2548 (2005), prathum Peng dampen 248 species.) Who is dancing with the beautiful Cadence of the foot motion. Hand-trunk and female mate costume Rongngeng said that the ancient dances are popular in Britain and Ireland, or the city in four southern border provinces, such as the banphraya Museum Sena mat. Abbot yaring Past changes in governance (2439 (1896)-2448) training rongngeng by a young woman who is a senior thatboriwan training rongngeng to a reception held in the Carnival or ruea, on a regular basis. Because of the culture of Muslims not to socialize with women, men, sex, without unduly exposed to. Therefore, in addition to the women of the city officials. Other women's rongngeng training opportunities are not phudi simply watch him dance. Rongngeng early stage is narrow band only.
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