Internet scam advertisements – DTAC consumers.-By telling how fast to 4.0 Mb, but when someone is going to be a real test in the area as it should have wireless Internet access speed, such as Siam was found with actual speed just 0.1 Mb.-In advertising is up a little book that quickly when tested in 400 stores, and therefore did not confirm that the quickly will be used throughout the country, but only to a small font, it is considered unfair to consumers.-We will know whether such advertising is deceptive advertising when the trial only.Sensodyne – deceptive advertising-A person who is not a dentist or a specialist really acquired product introduction, but told in advertising that is specialized to make professional ethics errors, including claiming that those who recommended me. There is no indication that the experts who are delusional claims that there is evidence of the certificate.Herbal Essence does curly hair straight hair become – advertising scam.-Is too advertising. There is going to be difficult, but it may have believed, unlike Coke ads, which is regarded as the advertising landscape fantasy that consumers already know that cannot happen, certainly.Pepsi-Coke attack.-Advertisements aimed to attack a competitor. Make some of the information that consumers receive information that is either distorted.-But in terms of political rights, eliminating consumer choice of consumers. The advertisements did not result in this story, because in the market, or by the store still have both Coke and Pepsi sales.Pond Flawless White UV Product-advertising more than real.-Sasat University students has been a premier center, and scientists come to acts of.-Test method in advertising. Remove a product to test with image Is not really a test, but in reality, such a product, or a product such as that affects people directly, such as cosmetics. Should be realistic and reliable.Real Control over advertising – Oil Ganier (Ananda is an English Centre)-Advertising is exaggerated (violation of the Right to be Informed) doesn't tell the indication or the side effects of the product.-In reality. Someone already has an allergic reaction, but in ads did not tell (the violation of Right to Safety), so there should be a mention or a sentence that says "may cause an allergic reaction."-The English Center looks great already exists. Make sure no real good product or not.Stable loan insurance-ad exceeds actual "quick quick quick repair claim," he said.-Advertising is beyond the life we know it's not true though. -There may be bias in society, such as special sections promoting violence, media that women are bad people, lying.Natural choekif – (plumber)-Use horizontal| without saying "obesity" because it is illegal, but in fact it is not a problem of advertising, but it is a problem of the product itself, the claim that eating can reduce fat.Sunsilk ad actually exceeded Treatment--In fact the English Center (OM phiya da) Do not have long hair, size.-The claim that "when tested with a shampoo that does not contain con banner option" unfair, because when the product is a mixture of custom layouts-con banner. When compared with the shampoo that does not contain the better reputations-con banner already exists.-The claim that "within 3 minutes" so there is no possibility. It must be used consistently.BMW M5 – advertising than real.-To make it seem that driving on the Moon, but, in fact, on the Moon, there are no gravity.In fact, this version of the car-the speed limit just 250 km/hr.-Jet Car that is compared with an umbrella to help brake the brake is so much better than already exists.-People already know that it is not possible. But the speed of the vehicle, it is one of the factors in the purchase decision of the purchaser. Therefore, people may believe in advertising it.Axe Chocolate-ad exceeds actual-Persistence and remember.-Conveys a woman's moral valuesE Baby Smooth Face Whitening blemish treatment in 4 weeks-more than advertising.-There is no realism of blemishes on the face of English Center.-A woman is a man. frosted leaves as a reflection of social values that are wrong.Taro line fish-Product as dessert but in this cake to eat and then claims that the ads are not actually >>> fat me.-Emphasize social values that exceed the weight if not fans, but the advertising code of conduct should not emphasize the social values of the people in a group.Self + juice-Bind to the sneakers stopped spinning – easy ideas.-Eat and sexy Looks great
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