1. Rubber band (tire)
2. The players were from two people or more play both boys and girls sometimes play as a team
3.) The place, such as the cement floor, the floor board or the ground how to play table
MD is a play, one of the children Play for both boys and girls, the players were two people or as a team place play in doors, smooth areas, such as the cement floor, the floor boards Or the desktop, which players will take the rubber lineThe band is small or big bands, or it may be the different colors in the preferences, including green, red, brown, etc. used to lay on the ground for each one The line, is located about 1 'players will take turns to blow tube line (rubber band), and tires, both around the play any blow to their tires over the tire of the opposite side, it will be a winner The loser will have to pay a prize to the winner Most of which are a tire (rubber band), but may give otherOccasion or time played
playing MD of the child Most play in time space And equipment available to play each other
value / concept / essence
1Playing the MD is a fun play and also a practice Knowing the rhythm and term shift with a
2Play a practice observed, MD Flair in blow of his opponent Which is one way to make children know think carefully before the blow If you blow without thinking may mistake that I lose
3Is a train children to know love, harmony,
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