Physical geography is a branch of geography and natural environment ที่มึ study process and change the natural occurring pranks that on the earth's surface.. on the earth's surface are better, which will contribute to the development of the area, the economics research is the study of how to allocate resources limited, can meet the needs of man is unlimited.Because the whole economy of the country caused by economic units together. Therefore, the economic problems of society. The other one needs to consider economic system is involved and the behavior of the individual or each unit production.Because the economic unit and can influence behavior and the existence of important economic level of social public ประเทศหร hm
.Learning 1
.The meaning of Geography Geography refers to the study of the earth's surface on the terrain, climate, natural resources, produce. And the people, including the distribution of these things.Human beings and environment
.2. The content and structure of geography
1.Geography system (Systematic Geography) consists of the contents of the Environment, or the physical part. And the role of human in the modification to improve the environment for the part. The two subsystems are affect each other and show.In physical systems, content is composed of modules. The integrated system is the natural environment, such as geological structure characteristics of air, soil, vegetation, as well as various animals, but at the same time, general. Higher education such asGeography about the soil, air and water ecology geography, etc. in the human system ซึ่งใน is sometimes called a social system or the system culture. It is composed of phenomena related to human, and well-being.Other humans created in one area. And become the elements that influence the human beings, the contents are composed of the stories almost everything that is not the natural environment. Such as population, economy.Administration and trade etc.
.2.Regional Geography (Regional Geography) is an access to international relations (Spatial interaction) with the area divided into parts. In describing the earth with human live. How to divide the area into geographers use of various sizes.The criteria in determining the area a lot of things. In general, to combine physical and cultural factors together. Geographers divided regions based on popular air systems, such as tropical regions, regional County warm.
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