During the time from the year 80 year B.E. 2493 to 2573 world population is likely to increase from 2.5 billion people to 8.1 billion, or an increase of over 3 times the amount of the population in the period of time in the area, as well, but it was increased by the increase in the number of people in each area has different tendencies in other words,South Africa has a population of up to 6.3. As far as the Deputy, is Latin America/Caribbean, increased 4.3 times as is the next Asia increased 3.5 times, 3.4 times, and increased เซียเนีย North America increased by 2.4 times the amount of the population in Europe, which has increased the minimum amount of the population is increasing Dr. as only and that it is interesting to note is the number of population of Europe back down in the past 30 years after that.
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