(1) the rate of increase in the control of the population by means of contraception so that reduced does not exceed 1.0% of the population to Thailand are not excessive. The health of the public and private sectors, it will be able to fulfill the requirement, and customers. (2) improving the environment by organizing the environment conducive for health. Sanitary management. Environmental pollution problems, to reduce waste and waste water noise air, solid waste and sewage. (3) an emphasis on health promotion activities. The current Government has been promoting health more than before, for example, to encourage people to exercise regularly. Encourage people to know and to control food intake in the selection of food is harmless for health, because the defense is better than the Edit. If people know their own health care, but it would reduce illness and various disasters. Etc. (4) medical welfare for poor people or people who are disadvantaged. At present, the Government has carried out a project for every disease, treatment is 30 baht, allowing people who are poor or disadvantaged have opportunities to receive treatment with the public and private hospital some of the participating projects. (5) increase the health budget by adding a ripe old age medical equipment medicine pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The creation of the hospital, and medical personnel to the production, which has been defined in the health development plan 9 that there should be a ratio of medical personnel per population in the rural areas does not exceed 1 per 6,000 people at the end of the plan. (6) personnel, medical, to distribute to the present rate of doctors in the city than in the rural areas should be given incentives to medical doctors and personnel sufficiently skilled to work in rural areas, such as compensation, benefits, etc. Because doctors in rural areas have the opportunity to earn more than doctors in the city. (7) modification of people's health habits. Want to study people and encourage the public to reduce health risk behavior. Have a happy habit and health practices? This, if done well, it will help to resolve health problems.
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