AbstractEducation วัดุแทน soil from water hyacinthThe three-year school 21. Advisory teacher teacher Phatni of New Orleans East 2. the teachers Wotwat yan ติ์ mosque RiverIs intended to? To study and processing water hyacinth as a material for planting instead of soil and test the effectiveness of the material from the vegetable in cropping, spanking.As in recent years, as the global soil is clay 2558 (2015) natural resources that are important for life, is degraded, with demand for soil resources. While the land is a finite resource, it might make a big problem in the future, what life on Earth if the lack of conservation and sustainable development, and in some areas crops have failed because there is no land for cultivation, I have ideas that are fabricated materials instead of soil.Choose materials that are easy to find and it is a problem today and found that water hyacinth is an appropriate material because there is a lot of water is also a major reason that causes the problem, water damage. Therefore, the Board of education school year students at 3-2. the importance of the problem is the concept that the material instead of the project from water hyacinth. With these steps: 1. determine the subjects you want to study, consult and advice Java project consultants 2 put the American Akita. project group meeting, 3. prepare materials to make. 4. divide the tasks to the members as appropriate. 5. begin as planned 6. performance assessment Study results from the artificial material instead of water hyacinth that soil from the water hyacinth plant can be used to actually have a water well can hold various qualifications. The structure of the soil has a characteristic ruan Zui. Water and air can pass through.
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