1. Eating breakfast is the basic behavior that affects the mind and power of your life throughout the day and helps reduce cholesterol levels, blood vessel. Reducing the risk of heart disease, reduces the energy metabolism. Lower
2. Change the oil used to Cook Willing to pay the expensive little use olive oil or sunflower oil cooking instead of conventional oil were used, because it is a fat penalty the body and contains saturated fatty acids that are beneficial.
3. drink plenty of water. People should drink at least 2 litres a day (except for the kidney has malfunctioned) so nourished in body cells. Refresh the excretory system, maintain the level of intensity of the blood will make fresh all day!
4. Strengthen bones with calcium. By drinking milk, eating small fish, tofu and soy products, ophicephalus striatus, vegetable, green, leaf, because calcium is needed to enhance its strength to muscle and bone.
5. say goodbye to eat snacks and cocktails, chup. Cutting of the cake, cookies, doughnuts, cream category a soft thick leaves of life and turn to eat fruit as a snack instead. Vitamins and fiber in fruit than sugar, fat and useful from the 6
much more than sweets. Create familiar with eating grains and brown rice Sunflower seeds Sorghum and rice, as well as the Spurs were thought to have bird food, education and research. That reduces the risk of heart disease up to 1 in 3. That reduces the level of cholesterol and regulate blood sugar imbalance
7. tea, green tea, black tea, both self-spread to the garage, or Earl Grey, but it has antioxidant properties. Drinking tea once a day 1 to 3 glass reduces risk of stomach cancer up to 30%,
8. Eat all the things that you have to eat different vegetables, colorful red as tomatoes purple green grapes blog khoe, Orange carrots. Don't eat anything with anchored only because plants differ coating. Hanger also adds a twist to eat.
9. Change yourself into a fish lover. Eating fish at least once a week, both intelligent and strong because fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, and proteins that help control heart and brain cells, the normal routine is a little fat. Easy-to-digest Ideal for people who want the best wind Las
10. Eating habit, nuts, beans are part of the food you want to eat every day. 2 spoons per day, irrespective of whether it is a dessert, snack, or stigma of protein. Many types of vitamins and important minerals. Should eat nuts consistently, but should not be eaten at once very much because it has a high calorie diet pill may cause the.
.If you follow all the instructions above, this is a habit. Good health to go waste!!
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