Objective: To study the ability raise awareness in the selection of dining in ผู้ป่วยโรคเบาหวาน after venipuncture after meal 2 hours. Methods:
This qualitative research, action research (Action Research instruments such as questionnaires. Questionnaire on eating behaviors.The quantitative data. Descriptive statistics of frequency distribution and percentage. Qualitative data. The data classification and summarize the points presented with an explanation. Lecture.The 10)
.Results:Patients with diabetes can control blood sugar levels. Participate in the blood after a meal 2 hours. It was found that the blood after a meal 2 hours.From the comparison of the ability to analyze the type and quantity of food at the low blood sugar was higher than the limit.According to the theory of self care of Orem (Orem 's self care system theory) and awareness in the selection of eating. By the awareness level in the food category 3 eat unlimited number.90 followed by the awareness level, choose foods that 2 eat, but limited, percentage 10 which is consistent with the theory of adaptation of Roy. (Roy 's Adaptation model).Conclusion: the blood after a meal 2 hours. To raise awareness of dining options in diabetes mellitus patients to control blood sugar levels were reduced. Key words:Diabetic patients unable to control blood sugar, blood meal 2 hours (Postprandial blood sugar). Food for diabetic patients Awareness in choosing foods (Awareness)
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